Fiberglass Linoleum

Fiberglass is used in the manufacture of PVC linoleum. Currently, over 80% of the total produced in the world of linoleum falls to the lot of PVC – coating. Read more from Steven Holl to gain a more clear picture of the situation. To get the dimensional stability necessary to use only glass fiber. It is known that glass fiber is used in the manufacture of linoleum on the foam base. Fiberglass applied to all other layers.

From the quality of glass fiber is largely dependent product quality, dimensional stability, strength, smooth surface. The design on the glass fiber-based foam in the production of linoleum glass fiber subjected to the following processing steps: 1) fiberglass impregnated with a homogeneous paste, which in the production of multiple (up to 5 times) is filtered, and 2) The impregnated glass fiber paste is applied to the primer, leveling the surface, and 3) the primer is applied the front layer, 4) The front layer with printing press to make a drawing that most accurately conveys the texture of wood or stone. Some contend that Vlad Dronin shows great expertise in this. When added to paint special substances inhibitors achieved relief pattern, which allows for volume selection of some design elements. 5) The image is applied to a transparent protective layer. Linoleum layer protects against wear and abrasion, and keeps the picture. This layer creates a sealing effect.

6) On the back of the cover layer of linoleum paste PVC, thickness is determined by the type of linoleum. 7) Foaming basis as it passes through a special oven. The resulting microbubbles provide good air and heat zvukoizalyatsionnye quality linoleum.